The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
- Jesus (Luke 10:2)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
In retrospect....
People often ask how my trip went. My response is always, "Oh it went well, thanks." Every time I say that, I think, there is so much more to tell than just that simple statement but where do you start? How do I even begin to describe my visit there? I'm so glad that I have kept a blog to let people get an idea of my week to week lifestyle. Obviously, if anyone has any specific questions about what I did there or wants to hear more, feel free to ask. I'd love to share.
As we interns walked into the Miami airport, we jokingly began a conversation where each sentence started with:
You know you've been in the DR awhile when...
Here are the endings to a few of the sentences we came up with:
You know you've been in the DR awhile when...
- you get excited about the idea of using sink water straight out of the tap to brush your teeth.
- you search for a trash can to throw your toilet paper into.
- you wonder if you will remember how to drive and can't wait to find out.
- you realize that Spanish is not the most common language anymore and have to quit mentally responding in espanol.
- you notice that you are no longer a part of the Greengo parade. (total inside joke...Dominicans call Americans Greengo's. When walking down the street, they all seem to stare at the Greengo's. We dubbed this the Greengo parade.)
- you have cell phone service without needing to hunt down call cards
- you see construction that includes piles of rock and immediately wonder how long it will take to hand mix that much rock into concrete...
- a purse is available!!! goodbye fanny packs!!!
- it's really ok to leave a cake on the counter without supervision and no ants will find it.
One huge difference that I was aware of before, but has really impacted me since returning to the states has been the pace of the culture. Everything is go, go, go here. I find that it's a lot more difficult to make time to spend with Jesus and in His word. This is definitely an area in which I am going to focus on growing.
In closing, I would like to thank once again all of those who have invested in this trip and in my going on this trip. When I say that, I mean those who contributed financially, through prayer, and through encouragement. I know that I know that I know this summer was meant to be spent serving in the Dominican Republic. I learned a lot. God took me out of my comfort zone. I grew in my faith. I had fun. I am so thankful God allowed me to have such an amazing experience.
Thank you for making it possible!
(I will be uploading a lot of trip pictures onto facebook. I will try to make those open so that as many people can see them as would like to see them.)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Two Months Here; Two Weeks to Go!
I am praising God for what He's done in my heart and my life. He's watched over me and blessed me so much.
There were several memorable moments this week that I would like to share. I got to see and work with a girls basketball camp. I had never done sports ministry here before, so that was a cool opportunity. I was asked to help translate for one of the drilling stations. This was my first time ever being asked by a staff person to translate - granted, there were no other people available and not very many words were necessary, but I was quite excited for the opportunity anyways. :)
Also this week, we interns got to do a little tour of HdY at night. Kirsy, one of the young ladies who works at the church there showed us around. I love that girl. She has been a major encouragement to me. She is faithful to the Lord even when it's difficult. She is choosing to wait for God's timing for a boyfriend/husband when just about all of her peers seem to be doing just the opposite. She's always smiling, always filled with the joy of Jesus. We trade lessons - I teach her English; she teaches me Spanish. It's been great building a relationship with her.
Third memorable little story...the team out there this week was so generous. Anonymously, someone or several people gave each of the interns money. How cool is that? One of the girls on the team also gave me her watch. It may not sound like a big deal, but it was so touching to me. I commented at the beginning of the week that I really liked bold sports watches though I don't own one now. So this morning, she gives me hers along with an encouraging note about finishing strong while filled with Christ's joy. So sweet.
Another huge blessing: I work with an amazing group. Yesterday, when we interns were shoveling gravel, it hit me how blessed I am to work with people who work so hard. Because they are motivated, I am encouraged to be more motivated. We get so much done with great attitudes. They have been great to get to know. Also, the lady I am rooming with, Jen, is awesome. She is on staff with G.O. She works really hard, is super patient, and never complains. I can't thank God enough for giving me such great people to be with this summer.
I am posting my departure dates and times now because I am not sure I will have time to post later. This week I'm going to be out in HdY. Next week, I'm not sure, but I could end up in the Bateys. (I know Mom, you are excited, but don't get too excited yet, cause I really don't know what will happen.)When you are praying for my return flights, please pray specifically that I catch my flight in Chicago...I'm a little nervous about the 50 minute layover, but think all will be fine since it's in the same terminal and everything. pics today. I don't have my computer.
Flight 1 - Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Status :confirmed
Departure :08:50 AM - Santiago, Dominican Republic - Santiago Municipal
Arrival :10:55 AM - Miami, USA - Miami International
Airline :American Airlines AA894
Fare type :Coach
Aircraft : Boeing 737-800
Baggage :2 piece(s) per traveler
Last check in:information not available
>Change of plane required. Time between flights = 3:30<
Flight 2 - Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Status :confirmed
Departure :02:25 PM - Miami, USA - Miami International
Arrival :04:35 PM - Chicago, USA - O'Hare International, terminal 3
Airline :American Airlines AA1399
Fare type :Coach
Aircraft : Boeing 757-200/300
Baggage :2 piece(s) per traveler
Last check in:information not available
>Change of plane required. Time between flights = 0:50<
Flight 3 - Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Status :confirmed
Departure :05:25 PM - Chicago, USA - O'Hare International, terminal 3
Arrival :07:35 PM - Louisville, USA - Louisville International
Airline :American Airlines AA5070
Fare type :Coach
Aircraft : Embraer RJ140 - Operated by CHAUTAUQUA AS AMERICAN CONNECTION
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Taking it all in...
The gist of my life right now: Everything's going great. I'm still enjoying it here. (though increasingly battling homesickness.) God's teaching me so much. I'm learning so much it's hard to process it all. I'm growing in my faith.
The details, or at least a few:
This past week, I worked with the team on both construction and their medical clinic. I learned so much at the medical clinic. I'm really not talking about how a farmacia is organized - though I can tell you that our farmacia was very well organized for a suitcase operation. I'm talking about what I learned about the culture - the Dominicans.
We started the day in prayer and a devotion with the crowd gathered outside the clinic. Throughout the day missionaries would stop what they were doing to pray for different medical cases. It was awesome to see Christ being glorified like that.
As soon as the people began filing in, I just felt this overwhelming sense that this was exactly why we are here. We are here to be the hands and feet of Jesus – to take care of the sick and hurting. I thought of the story found in one of the gospels (John 5: 17 and surrounding verses) of the paralytic man who always wanted to get into the pool at Bethesda, was it? It was said that whenever the waters were stirred, the first person to get in would be miraculously healed. He never could get in first because he had no one to help him, but with one statement, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk", Jesus healed him. God reminded me of this parable because we were there to provide the medical assistance they cannot afford or even attain. God does the healing.
Something else I learned this week: Yesterday we went door to door evangelizing through prayer and inviting people to the church. (still in La Mosca) When talking to someone who would likely have children, we'd also mention that we'd be doing a VBS program for the kids in the afternoon. While the young Dominican was inviting one woman to bring her children to the VBS, I noticed that her entire demeanor changed. I said, do you have children? She said no. It is very supported here to have lots and lots of kids. It is considered almost shameful and definitely sad not to. The young Dominican evangelizing realized that this hurt her and quickly changed course. Later when meeting with another woman, he asked if she had kids before he told her about the VBS. She too had a complete change in demeanor - a change towards sadness. I found this intriguing, because, here they are, living as squatters on top of a landfill, their jobs consist mostly of sifting through the trash to find metal to sell, they barely earn enough to put food on the table for just themselves, they live in shacks, and yet, they want to have kids. I guess I still don't quite know what to think of that or how to process it. It was just an observation I wanted to share.
VBS was great. There was literally no room in the church to house everyone. It was wall to wall people. Outside, another 40 or so kids could be found. I think pretty much every one of them got to do a craft. It was chaos and absolute madness - at least once the craft started. They did listen pretty well to the Bible story drama. Another 150+ children touched by Jesus through a team.
Below are a few pics I stole from the photographer intern...being the techno goof that I am, I accidentally deleted my entire week's photos. I know. good one.
Picture 1: Entienne (Haitian worker with GO - awesome guy, always happy) working with Jacqueline (team member) as an interpreter. They are writing this woman's name and age on the paper bag that she will bring to the doctor to get her prescriptions written on, then filled.
Picture 2: Devo and prayer session with the crowd gathered outside the clinic.
Picture 3: Picture of the river and landfill - yes, the entire "mountain" in the background is all goes on and on way out of the picture's view.
Picture 4: I just loved this photo because this little girl was so adorable. She was in line at the clinic.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
HdY - Hato del Yaque
Picture #1 & #2 is of the worksite. Greenville helped move and cement most of the block work in these pictures.
Picture #3 & #4 show a part of the baseball clinic that Evan, Nate, Andrea, Angelique and Dad all helped with.
Picture #5 is of the house we stayed at while in Saint Mark. All of the ladies stayed here...I think there were around 15 of us. The picture shows half of the house. We also ate all of our meals out of that little bitty kitchen you can see in the back of the picture.
Picture #6 is of Adam, Kerlyn, and Evan playing cards with the group. It was a very popular evening activity.
During week two in HdY, and no, the week is not yet over, we've done more construction on the same building that Greenville worked on, and we've built a brick fence. We've also done some major clearing of weeds behind the church to start making progress toward a basketball and volleyball court area. Yesterday we got to evangelize in Pastor Fabio's mountain village and do a VBS program. I haven't taken many photos but do have a few to share.
This first photo is of the view from Pastor Fabio's house. The picture does not do it justice. It was gorgeous.
This photo is of the group I got to evangelize with. Isabella, the Dominican lady, was our group leader. She did the main evangelizing because she speaks Spanish. However, she doesn't speak English, I was able to translate a little bit so that the rest of our group had some idea of what was going on. We spent the most of our time visiting at the assistant pastor and his wife's home. They were thrilled to see us. It also just so happened that they remember the two guys in our group from previous years. We prayed specifically for the wife's health (she's been struggling to eat because she has stomach ulcers) and her ministry with the children of the church.
At this point, you could be wondering, "how does Rachel have internet since she's in HdY?" Actually...currently I'm in Hoya del Caimito in the ministry house. My group is spending the night at a resort, so I get the day/evening off. It's been really nice to have some alone time, get a bit of needed sleep, and catch up some online. I do have more to write about, but I think this post is long enough, so maybe I'll get to write more later.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Team Tuesday!
Last night we had a(n) staff/intern meeting. It was very informative. It feels good to have an idea of the schedule that teams will be following - even if that schedule changes. :)
Other than that, we've been doing random things like washing vans, cleaning dorms, doing laundry, organizing storage, and playing wiffle ball with the kids on the street. Wiffle ball was a lot of fun. We were outside playing for about 3 hours! Unfortunately, I have no photos to share because I was playing.
I guess this post is pretty short...cause that's about all that I have to say.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Well, now that that bit of a greeting is out of the way, I'd like to say, I've had a great Donkey Day. This morning, we cleaned the two dorms here in Hoya del Caimito. Teams arrive NEXT WEEK! I'm really looking forward to that. Cleaning wasn't too bad. Mostly things were just dusty - except for the trash containers, which required being bleach-soaked.
Later in the afternoon, Jen, one of the full time missionaries, asked me if I'd like to go out to Hato del Yaque. This is the neighborhood I stayed at two years ago when I came with GO. We went out there and visited with different people. It was great to see those that I met before. While visiting with the Monton family, who have several daughters my age, I got to help Kirsy and her friend Masseils with their English homework. At one point they asked me about my braces and what the person who puts them on is called.
When I got back to Hoya del Caimito, I went to a game night. Willby and Lisa hosted the Haitian girls we interns worked with at the construction site. Lisa had Twister and Spoons. We also played a random question game so that we could get to know each other better. We laughed so much. Their antics are hilarious and our mis-communication (because again, we were dealing with English, Spanish, and Creole, oh and I can't forget charades, that's a language in itself, right?) kept conversation lively. Here's a photo of the game night group:
I do not have any updates on Lucner. I suppose no news is good news.
Please pray for my flexibility. Not having a clear and direct plan in advance is hard for me. I love to be able to know what's going on and what to expect, but it's impossible to get that here. I knew that going into this trip, and knew that it would be a struggle for me not to get impatient. I'm just praying that I will not get frustrated with changing plans, unknown schedules, or whatever else comes my way.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Today I had the opportunity to go to Dajabon, a Dominican city on the DR/Haiti border. We went there to meet with the Haitian pastors - pictured above, sorry, it's not the best photo ever. There are 8, but only 7 were able to come. We also went so that we could drop off 2 of the staff members so they can visit the churches in Haiti and take pictures. They will also be looking for possible land to build a nutrition center/dormitory. We got to talk to the pastors a little bit about how the earthquake has changed the hearts of the people in their churches. They said that a lot more people now attend church and have become Christians because they saw how GO Ministries brought them food, water, and tents while asking nothing in return. The pastors said this was a great example of supporting preaching with actions. They thanked us for GO's support in Haiti and told how this was very encouraging to them as ministers.
These are pictures of him posted to fb in April. It's hard to see (in the wheelchair picture), but he had an external rod/pins on his right leg.

Saturday, May 29, 2010
The latter half of this week
We got to tour a bit more of Santiago. There is a cigar factory here that is world renown. They have a replica of the original factory that tourists can walk through and view people making the cigars under the original conditions. It was interesting - not because I smoke, or even appreciate cigars, but because the process takes about 7 1/2 years to complete. First, the tobacco ages for 7 years, then it is rolled into a cigar, next it is pressed for 2 hours, after this it is finished, but aged 6 more months, FINALLY, it is packaged and sold. (Above is a pic of them hand-rolling the cigars.)
We ended up working Thursday and Friday in the Central Church with the construction crew. When we got there, several Haitian women saw us join in the work, so they too joined us to help. Let me tell you, I have gained a new understanding of why people discontinued the work of the Tower of Babel after God changed their languages. The foreman, Luis is Hispanic, but speaks some Creole and a little bit of English. (I'm not actually sure how much Creole he speaks.) The workers are Haitian and Hispanic. The volunteers are American and Haitian. Receiving directives becomes a very interesting and intricate process. However, it is manageable. The Haitian women that worked with us were so much fun. The first half of Thursday, they didn't try to talk to us, but were very positive people who had a lot of fun working with one another. The second half of Thursday, they revealed to us that they could speak some English. Through a lot of sign and some translation from Creole to Spanish to English, we communicated. Between Thursday and Friday our tasks included, taking unused materials back out of the building (bricks and wood), carrying mixed concrete, cleaning up the building (picking up all kinds of trash and concrete debri), sanding the concrete walls with concrete block pieces, and chiseling the concrete floors smooth. The Haitian women were doing this work in cheap flip-flops. Lisa, one of the GO missionaries was able to give them shoes from donations. They were SOOO happy! very awesome to see.
Here are pictures of the church. It is HUGE! There are 7 class rooms, a main middle area (shown in the second of these two pics), a kitchen, dorms/bathrooms, and an upstairs sanctuary. It will be beautiful when it is finished! This church will hold worship for a Dominican/Haitian service for Hoya del Caimito. The current church location will be destroyed and rebuilt as a medical center.
Anyways, I want to share a story with you from Letta, one of the Haitian girl I visited with while we worked. She said that she was in her school in Haiti when the earthquake hit. The school collapsed. I think that a wall fell on her foot. Her friends pushed the wall off and took her to the hospital. She said that she was just screaming "Oh my God, Oh my God, Help me! Help me!" She said she looked around and her friends and teacher were dead. Only 6 other students survived. She moved to the Dominican to live with her cousin soon after the quake. She's been here 3 months. She is planning to go back to college here in June to study Chemistry. Her family is fine.
This is me with Nataly (Left) and Letta (Right).
Monday, May 24, 2010
This morning we visited the private school in Hoyo del Caimito. Gabriel, the recently retired GO President - from the Dominican, started the school about 26 years ago. Each of the kids who attend the school are supported by GO Kids. GO Kids program finds sponsors for each child; sponsors support the child with $30 a month. This is enough for the child to go to school, get one meal a day, and get a birthday and Christmas present. (If you have an interest in partnering with GO Kids, visit this link
The school is very nice. The children get to learn English and French, as well as other normal courses. Here in the DR, school children attend half a day. There's one group at the school in the morning, a second comes in the afternoon. (High school is held in the evenings, though this school does not teach high school.) Out of last year's class of 27 (8th graders), 25 passed the national exam. This is impressive because the average public school only passes 50% of their students.
This picture is of a wall that used to have a small shelf of books. The depth of the pic is not very good, but it is only about 5 feet or less wide. This tiny section was the school library.
This picture is of the current library. Though some of the shelves are a little empty, the amount of books has been much improved! Also, someone partnered with the school donated about...26 working laptops. Before this donation, the school had only one or two for an entire class of 25 students to use for computer class. This room also houses a projector.
The Hole
This is the Nutrition Center area (however, we were doing VBS crafts in the picture.)
This is the kitchen in which they cooked for about 100 kids everyday; as you can see it is very small.
The kitchen was actually next door, so the food was passed through the window slats to be fed to the kids.
In these videos, I don't talk because it was a little loud. One is of the feeding center - the new kitchen is along the back wall. The other is of the upstairs sanctuary. It's beautiful! I was quite impressed. Amazing how much change and progress God's blessed this church/nutrition center with!
Update from Greenville's work in 2008
This is a video of the church that Greenville Christian worked on; it is still not completed, however, a lot of progress has been made. I thought people would be interested in seeing it.
And the beautiful front entrance view:
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Just a little bit out of my comfort zone...
When we got back from dinner this evening, Amanda and Katie, my housemates and fellow interns, saw a mouse. Unfortunately we have little idea where it went...but I did discover that it likes my soap - as evident from the pictures below. Mice are my favorite. Any of the guards from camp would agree! not.'s ok though. It won't eat me. :) I'm bigger than the mouse. Positive self-talk helps, right?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Park Visiting, Warehouse Cleaning, and MORE! :)
This is a view of the ping-pong tables:
And here is a shot of the walkway with some of the picnic areas. The walkway actually has golden numbers stating the distance traveled. The whole track is like 500Meters.
Something else that happened yesterday...I made my first purchase at the colmado (little store).
I went to the colmado to get some butter. I explain to him that I want a little. So he goes to get a butter container from the fridge or something. He then grabs a little baggie, scoops the butter from the container with a spoon, into the baggie, then hands it to me. Without weighing it or anything, he just charged me a certain amount. It was a funny experience. Yes, it is safe to eat! We double-checked before we tried it out.
Also yesterday, I killed my first flying cock-roach. I feel that this is important to mention because it is the first - probably of many. The bugs haven't been to bad yet for me...Though I have been bitten a few times by bugs we refer to as no-see-ums (because you never see them, but they bite you...and Jimmie, this is different than the ones I don't see but get bit by in the states. ;))
Today, Amanda and I worked on cleaning and organizing the GO Ministries warehouse. Walking into this project was definitely overwhelming. So many donations have come in over the last months and have not been able to get properly put away. Below are some shots taken 2 hours into the re-organizing process...
Tuesday we will hopefully be able to finish organizing in there - or at least get the shelving back up and stuff over there picked up. I'd like to point out, that the bins in the middle picture are all shoes. We sorted through all of them dividing them into bins labeled for women's shoes, women's sneakers, men's shoes, men's sneakers, kids shoes, etc...It's awesome how many pairs of shoes people have been able to send to GO.
A few of my thoughts...
It's been so so nice to get here before teams arrive. Amanda and I both are taking in so much information. We are asking all kinds of questions that at some point this summer, we will probably be asked by team members. I'd like to ask that you pray that we (and the other interns soon arriving - there are 11 total summer staff/interns this year) will be able to remember all/most of the things we are learning...specifically the people and names of Dominican/Haitian ministry partners. I have met so many new people. One of them asked me today if I remembered him...I felt terrible that I couldn't (though I did remember his name once he reminded me of where we met).
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Few pictures...
Above you see the passion fruit...Below you see an oh-so-becoming picture of me with the humongous carrot...
I'm Here!
I got in to my temporary room in Hoya del Caimito; it's in a GO Ministries house. Currently, I have the room to myself, though tomorrow, I think another intern will move in to share it with me. The house is very nice. We have running water and electricity! Praise God! The weather has been very humid. Last night, in my bedroom, my thermometer read 85 degrees. Thankfully I now have a borrowed fan! The neighborhood here is much louder than I'm used to. Last night the Dominicans were out on the street until after midnight playing music, visiting, and shouting. Also, I got to eat a passion fruit last night...think I'd eaten one before, but can't remember. It's very sour and slimy...very interesting.
Today, we went shopping at the main stores in town and picked up another intern from the airport. I saw the biggest carrot I've ever seen...I will be posting pictures!
I am pretty tired now and trying to process all the things I'm learning about this I'm running short on words. I will try to post as much as I can.
Again, thanks for your prayers! It's amazing how much I can feel God's peace in my decision to be here.
Monday, May 3, 2010
My Itinerary...
May 18th:
Departure :02:10 PM - Louisville, USA - Louisville International
Arrival :04:45 PM - Miami, USA - Miami International
Departure :06:30 PM - Miami, USA - Miami International
Arrival :08:35 PM - Santiago, Dominican Republic - Santiago Municipal
July 27th:
Departure :08:50 AM - Santiago, Dominican Republic - Santiago Municipal
Arrival :10:55 AM - Miami, USA - Miami International
Departure :02:25 PM - Miami, USA - Miami International
Arrival :04:35 PM - Chicago, USA - O'Hare International, terminal 3
Departure :05:25 PM - Chicago, USA - O'Hare International, terminal 3
Arrival :07:35 PM - Louisville, USA - Louisville International
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
One Month Out!! is a little overwhelming. Spanish is so difficult to learn. Sometimes I feel as though I know just about nothing about it. Just tonight mi amigo Jose helped grade one of my papers...let's just say I had to rewrite it. :) I am really hoping that I will learn a lot more and be able to communicate some while in the Dominican.
Today, I also got my itinerary! I will post it as the trip dates get closer. It sounds as though I will be staying in Hato del Yaque. This is the town that I stayed in when I went for a week with G.O. Ministries. Though this is not yet set in stone, I am really excited because the town and those who are there are familiar to me.
Please continue to keep me, my family, and Jimmie in your prayers as we anticipate May 18th!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Totally Funded!
Yes, God does provide! He is awesome! Three months from today, I will be leaving the U.S. Already, so far in advance, he has completely funded my internship. I am so excited! Thank you so much to all who have partnered with me financially. Not only has the minimum goal of $3300 been met, but even more has been donated. This "extra" money is benefiting a future Medical Center. G.O. Ministries is saving to build the three story medical center at the site of a current church in Santiago. G.O. would like it to include 2-4 surgical suites, a pharmacy, a fully functioning clinic, a VIP apartment for surgeons, and more.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I now know that there are several other college-aged interns going to the Dominican this summer with G.O. Ministries. I have not had the opportunity to meet any of them yet, however, it is comforting to me to know that other people are going who will be experiencing similar emotions to those I will be experiencing.
My internship funding has nearly reached the minimum requirement! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! to all who have supported me so far! God is amazing! I am still praying that more money will be raised in order to be able to give G.O. Ministries support for the medical center they are wanting to build.
Thank you to those who have been praying! As this trip gets closer, it seems I'm getting less and less nervous and more and more excited. :) Please continue to pray for me as I am still fairly nervous about the separation I will have from my family and Jimmie back here. I worry sometimes about stuff that could happen while I'm that far away, and that I wouldn't be able to get back to be there for my family. Pray for Jimmie. I think he's dreading me not being around. (We've worked the same summer job for the past 3 years; so though we're used to being apart during the school year, summers we're always together.)