Today I had the opportunity to go to Dajabon, a Dominican city on the DR/Haiti border. We went there to meet with the Haitian pastors - pictured above, sorry, it's not the best photo ever. There are 8, but only 7 were able to come. We also went so that we could drop off 2 of the staff members so they can visit the churches in Haiti and take pictures. They will also be looking for possible land to build a nutrition center/dormitory. We got to talk to the pastors a little bit about how the earthquake has changed the hearts of the people in their churches. They said that a lot more people now attend church and have become Christians because they saw how GO Ministries brought them food, water, and tents while asking nothing in return. The pastors said this was a great example of supporting preaching with actions. They thanked us for GO's support in Haiti and told how this was very encouraging to them as ministers.

Pastor Lucner was the pastor who was not able to attend the meeting. He is currently residing in Santiago, DR. December 12th he was in a motorcycle accident. Both legs had compound fractures and some ligament damage. He went to the hospital in Haiti - via the back of a pick-up truck. The hospital told him to come back in two days because their x-ray technician wasn't available. GO Ministries told him to meet them in Dajabon, got his paperwork in order, and brought him to Santiago by van to be treated. I cannot imagine the amount of pain he must have been in while in transport. The roads here are very bumpy and in some sections are not paved - the above picture is of part of the road from Dajabon to Santiago. I don't know how many surgeries he has had, but I do know that after the first round of treatment, he was bed-ridden 11 days. He has progressed from wheel-chair, to walker, to crutches. He has another surgery tomorrow morning. One of his legs, I can't recall which one right now, is in very bad shape still. It is healing at a funny angle at the knee. I'm not sure if the surgery tomorrow is intended to correct that or something else. Please pray for his healing. (Adam, I know you can pray very specifically for him; when I think of how much you went through and compare it to Lucner's story, it hurts me to think of what he's gone through so far.)
These are pictures of him posted to fb in April. It's hard to see (in the wheelchair picture), but he had an external rod/pins on his right leg.

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