The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

- Jesus (Luke 10:2)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One Month Out!!

Wow! Only one month to go and I'll be in the Dominican! I'm counting down the days - 8 days of school, 5 days of finals, a little over a week at home, then I'm leaving the country! I am SO, SOOO EXCITED! is a little overwhelming. Spanish is so difficult to learn. Sometimes I feel as though I know just about nothing about it. Just tonight mi amigo Jose helped grade one of my papers...let's just say I had to rewrite it. :) I am really hoping that I will learn a lot more and be able to communicate some while in the Dominican.
Today, I also got my itinerary! I will post it as the trip dates get closer. It sounds as though I will be staying in Hato del Yaque. This is the town that I stayed in when I went for a week with G.O. Ministries. Though this is not yet set in stone, I am really excited because the town and those who are there are familiar to me.
Please continue to keep me, my family, and Jimmie in your prayers as we anticipate May 18th!


  1. I was just wondering about you this morning, and when you would be leaving!!!! YIPEEE!!!!

  2. Rach, I'm so excited for you! You are an amazing girl and friend and I know you'll do just fine with the Spanish language. I mean, cum'mon, your mom spoke Spanish to you for practically your whole'll all be better once you're around it more, I'm sure :]
    I will most definitely be praying for you and your family..and Jimmie ;)
    I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip updates :]

  3. Yipee is right!
    and Ang, thanks for the encouragement, I hope that I have a natural ear for it too. :)
